Graduate Degree Programs
Professional Master's Degree Programs
Professional Master's degrees prepare graduates for careers in specific fields. These dense programs put a great deal of focus on real-world application and required students to finish projects in their field of study before graduation, allowing students to gain extensive on-the-job training.
Academic Master's Degree Programs
Academic Master's degrees introduce students to advanced concepts to the fields of industrial engineering, operations research, statistics, and computational science through rigorous coursework. Their flexible curricula allow students to tailor studies to their interests. A graduate with Academic Master's Degree can either choose to get a job in the industry or apply for a doctoral program to begin a career in research.
Doctoral Programs
The Ph.D. programs offered by the Institute of Logistics Science and Engineering equip graduates with strong methodological skills and ability to produce impactful research results within the disciplines.
Program | Major | Teachers |
Doctoral Programs | Logistics Engineering and Management | Xuefeng Wang、Chaofeng Li、Yongsheng Yang、Bin Yang、Qinglei Zhang、Junxian Chen、Weijian Mi、Wei Gu、Chengji Liang、Dashan Deng |
Major Degrees | Management Science and Engineering | Bin Yang、Rong Zhang、Huaili Chen、Zhihua Hu、Youfang Huang、Chengji Liang、Xiaolong Han 、Lihao Zhang |
Control Technology and Engineering Science | Jin Zhu、Daofang Chang、Chaofeng Li、Yongsheng Yang、Bin Yang、Zhihua Hu、Bo Li、Qinqin Fan、Bowei Xu、Ying Zhang | |
Logistic System Engineer | Yi Ding、Xiaoguang Wang、Li Shi、Xiaolin Zhu、Daofang Chang、Nannan Yan、Yongsheng Yang、Bin Yang、Lihao Zhang、Huaili Chen、Qinqin Fan、Yanping Meng、Zhihua Hu、Gengjun Gao、Youfang Huang、Chengji Liang、Xiaolong Han、Huaili Wang 、Weijiong Chen |