讲座题目:Denominator Assignment, Invariants, and Canonical Forms Under Dynamic Feedback Compensation in Linear Multivariable Nonsquare Systems
讲座时间: 2023年9月16日 上午9:30
讲座地点: 教学3A507
主讲人:Antonios Ioannis Vardoulakis教授
Antonios Ioannis Vardoulakis教授为希腊亚里士多德大学控制理论学科教授,曾任亚里士多德大学数学系计算机科学与数值分析组负责人,IEEEActionGroup on Symbolic Methods for Control 主席,IEEE Computational Aspects of Control System Design(CACSD)技术委员会成员。于1974年在曼彻斯特理工大学(UMIST)获得博士学位,1975~1978年期间在英国帝国理工学院参与“工业过程自适应控制”研究项目的研究,1978~1983年期间在剑桥大学从事线性多变量控制分析和综合方法的研究,以及数学系统理论和控制的教学。1983年至今任职于希腊亚里士多德大学,研究领域包括了数学系统理论、多变量控制、控制系统分析和设计的数值和符号方法、多项式和有理矩阵理论等,在权威期刊发表论文110余篇,在线性多变量控制的代数和多项式矩阵方法和控制系统分析和设计技术领域取得了重要成果。
In this seminar, the generalization of previously reported results for linear, time-invariant, stabilizable multivariable systems described by a strictly proper transfer function matrix P(s) with number of outputs greater than or equal to the number of inputs is discussed. By making use of a special kind of a left generalized inverse of P(s), we define and examine the equivalent relation R relating P(s) with the members of the equivalence class of the closed loop-transfer function matrices Pc(s) obtainable from P(s) by the use of a proper compensator C(s) in the feedback path. For R, we establish a set of complete invariants and a canonical form. These results give rise to a simple algorithmic procedure for the computation of proper internally stabilizing and denominator assigning compensators C(s) for the class of plants with equal number of inputs and outputs (p = m) and having no zeros in the closed right half complex plane: C+ and in the case when p > m plants characterized by right polynomial matrix fraction descriptions with a polynomial matrix numerator having at least one subset of m rows that give rise to a nonsingular polynomial matrix with no zeros in C+.