1999年~2003年, 复旦大学,理论与应用力学专业,理学学士学位
2010年~2012年,新加坡国立大学,工业与系统工程系,Research Fellow
2013年4月作为团队核心成员获得新加坡国际海事奖(Singapore International Maritime Awards)新一代集装箱码头设计挑战赛(Next Generation Container Port Challenge)金奖(奖金100万美元)。
国家自然科学基金面上项目,“基于集中托管策略的集装箱码头堆场多资源分配与调度问题研究”,No. 71771143,2018.1.1~2021.12.31
国家自然科学基金青年基金,“针对大规模复杂制造系统多重入多瓶颈特征的混合智能调度优化方法研究”,No. 71201099, 2013.1.1~2015.12.31
上海市教育委员会科研创新项目,“针对芯片制造系统不稳定特性的多瓶颈自适应调度方法研究”, No. 14YZ111,2014.1.1~2016.12.31
Hongtao Hu, Jun Yuan, Victor Nian (2019). Development of a multi-objective decision-making method to evaluate correlated decarbonization measures under uncertainty – The example of international shipping. Transport Policy, 82, 148–157. (SSCI)
Hongtao Hu, Xiaozhong Chen, Chenle Ma, Lu Zhen (2019). The joint quay crane scheduling and block allocation problem in container terminals. IMA Journal of Management Mathematics, 30, 51–75. (SCI & SSCI)
Hongtao Hu, Xiazhong Chen, Tingsong Wang, Ye Zhang, A three-stage decomposition method for the joint vehicle dispatching and storage allocation problem in automated container terminals, Computers & Industrial Engineering, Volume 129, 2019, Pages 90-101.
Lu Zhen, Hongtao Hu*, Wencheng Wang, Xin Shi, Chengle Ma. Cranes scheduling in frame bridges based automated container terminals. Transportation research part C-emerging technologies, Volume 97, 2018, Pages 369-384. (SCI)
Hongtao Hu, Xiazhong Chen, Si Zhang (2018). Optimization with PSO and OCBA for quay crane scheduling problem under uncertainty. International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics. 11(23), 196-215. (SSCI)
Hongtao Hu, Ye Zhang, Lu Zhen (2017). A two-stage decomposition method on fresh product distribution problem. International Journal of Production Research, 55(16), 4729-4752. (SCI)
Hongtao Hu, Lu Zhen, Zhuo Sun, Huai Zhang (2013). A multi-stage fluctuation smoothing method for multiple bottlenecks in wafer fabrication. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 67(1-4), 111-120. (SCI)
Hongtao Hu, K. K. H. Ng, Yichen Qin (2016). Robust Parallel Machine Scheduling Problem with Uncertainties and Sequence-Dependent Setup Time. Scientific Programming, Vol. 2016, Article ID 5127253, 13 pages. (SCI)
HongtaoHu, Byung Kwon Lee, Youfang Huang, Loo Hay Lee, Ek Peng Chew (2013). Performance Analysis on Transfer Platforms in Frame Bridge Based Automated Container Terminals. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Volume 2013, Article ID 593847, 8 pages. (SCI)
Hongtao Hu, Zhibin Jiang, Huai Zhang (2011). A dynamic WIP control strategy for bottlenecks in wafer fabrication system. International Journal of Production Research, 48(17), 5221 – 5233. (SCI)