“物流创新”暑期系列专家讲座之二:Demand Patterns of International Transport and Logistics



题目:Demand Patterns of International Transport and Logistics



主讲人:Xiaowen Fu符啸文)



This session discusses underlying drivers of international trade flows and transport demand in different freight transport modes, as well as industry structure, regulatory environment. This session covers operators, customers and investors perspectives and strategies and intermodal freight businesses.



Dr. Xiaowen Fu is an Associate Professor in the Institute of Transport and Logistics Studies, the University of Sydney. He obtained his PhD degree from the Sauder School of Business, University of British Columbia in Canada. His main research area is transport economics which covers issues such as competition policy and government regulation, efficiency benchmarking, transport demand modelling and industrial organization. He has been the principal investigator of 16 research grants and published more than 50 journal articles. He has been the guest editor of 5 journal special issues, and organized more than 6 major international conferences in the capacity of conference chair. He is on the editorial boards of three journals including Transportation Research – Part B, Part E, and is an editor of the journal of Transport Policy, associate editor of the book series “Advances in Airlines Economics”.

Research Interests:

Dr. Xiaowen Fu’s main research area is transport economics, particularly on issues related to the industries of aviation, maritime and high-speed rail. He has conducted studies on issues such as competition policy and government regulation, efficiency benchmarking, transport demand modelling and industrial organization. In particular, his recent studies have been carried out on maritime emission control, airport slot allocation, competition between airports and ports, the liberalization of international aviation market, and capacity choices for airports and ports.





版权所有 上海海事大学 物流科学与工程研究院